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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAnalysisTree::AnalysisEntryAnalysisEntry keeps list of Variables from one or more branches. Before each event AnalysisEntry evaluates Variables and Cuts
 CAnalysisTree::ConfigElementInformation to store about a data field in Configuration
 CAnalysisTree::CutsCuts holds list of SimpleCuts and provides Apply function which subsequently applies cuts
 CAnalysisTree::FieldField is a pointer in a branch/field structure
 CAnalysisTree::Detector< Track >
 CAnalysisTree::Detector< Module >
 CAnalysisTree::Detector< ModulePosition >
 CAnalysisTree::Detector< Hit >
 CAnalysisTree::Detector< Particle >
 CAnalysisTree::Detector< Container >
 CAnalysisTree::Detector< T >
 CAnalysisTree::Detector< Track >
 CAnalysisTree::Detector< Module >
 CAnalysisTree::Detector< ModulePosition >
 CAnalysisTree::Detector< Hit >
 CAnalysisTree::Detector< Particle >
 CAnalysisTree::Detector< Container >
 CAnalysisTree::ContainerA class to store any number of integers, floats and bools
 CAnalysisTree::TrackA class for a generic track with determined momentum
 CAnalysisTree::Detector< T >
 CAnalysisTree::MatchingConfigInformation to store about Matching
 CAnalysisTree::SimpleCutSimpleCut keeps predicate (lambda function with vector of arguments) and list of Variables
 CAnalysisTree::AnalysisTaskAnalysisTask is a Task which keeps list of AnalysisEntry-s It evaluates Variables according to the rules of AnalysisEntry-s and populates 2-dimensional array with results of evaluation
 CAnalysisTree::ToyMC< RandomEngine >
 CAnalysisTree::ConfigurationA class to store configuration of the whole AnalysisTree object
 CAnalysisTree::Configuration_v3Some ROOT magic, ask Eugeny
 CAnalysisTree::VariableVariable is a wrapper object for Field. In contrary to Field Variable is not bound to the data. It could represent a Field itself or, if specified, a result of operation on two or more fields
 CAnalysisTree::VectorConfig< T >Template class to store configuration, e. g. name and description of the vector element
 CAnalysisTree::VectorConfig< bool >
 CAnalysisTree::BranchConfigA class to store configuration of the Container
 CAnalysisTree::VectorConfig< float >
 CAnalysisTree::BranchConfigA class to store configuration of the Container
 CAnalysisTree::VectorConfig< int >
 CAnalysisTree::BranchConfigA class to store configuration of the Container
 CAnalysisTree::Utils::Visitor< RetType >
 CAnalysisTree::Utils::Visitor< ChannelPointer >
 CAnalysisTree::Utils::Visitor< double >
 CAnalysisTree::get_field_struct< T >
 CAnalysisTree::Utils::Visitor< int >
 CAnalysisTree::Utils::Visitor< size_t >
 CAnalysisTree::Utils::Visitor< void >
 CAnalysisTree::set_field_struct< T >