No Matches
AnalysisTree::TaskManager Class Reference
Collaboration diagram for AnalysisTree::TaskManager:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 TaskManager (TaskManager &other)=delete
void operator= (const TaskManager &)=delete
void SetOwnsTasks (bool owns_flag=true)
 If TaskManager owns its tasks, they will be deleted on TaskManager' destruction.
virtual void Init (const std::vector< std::string > &filelists, const std::vector< std::string > &in_trees)
virtual void Init ()
virtual void Run (long long nEvents=-1)
virtual void Finish ()
void AddTask (Task *task)
template<class BranchPtr>
void AddBranch (BranchPtr *&ptr, const BranchConfig &config)
void AddBranch (Branch *branch)
void AddMatching (const std::string &br1, const std::string &br2, Matching *&match)
ANALYSISTREE_ATTR_NODISCARD const ConfigurationGetConfig () const
ANALYSISTREE_ATTR_NODISCARD const DataHeaderGetDataHeader () const
ANALYSISTREE_ATTR_NODISCARD const ConfigurationGetOutConfig () const
ANALYSISTREE_ATTR_NODISCARD const DataHeaderGetOutDataHeader () const
void SetOutputDataHeader (DataHeader *dh)
void FillOutput ()
void Exec ()
std::vector< Task * > & Tasks ()
void SetOutputName (std::string file, std::string tree="aTree")
void SetWriteMode (eBranchWriteMode mode)
void SetBranchesExclude (std::vector< std::string > brex)
void SetVerbosityPeriod (int value)
void SetIsWriteHashInfo (bool is=true)
void SetIsUpdateEntryInExec (bool is=true)
void ClearTasks ()

Static Public Member Functions

static TaskManagerGetInstance ()

Protected Member Functions

void InitOutChain ()
void InitTasks ()
 ClassDef (TaskManager, 0)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void WriteCommitInfo ()
static void PrintCommitInfo ()

Protected Attributes

Chainchain_ {nullptr}
std::vector< Task * > tasks_ {}
TFile * out_file_ {nullptr}
TTree * out_tree_ {nullptr}
Configurationconfiguration_ {nullptr}
DataHeaderdata_header_ {nullptr}
std::string out_tree_name_ {"aTree"}
std::string out_file_name_ {"analysis_tree.root"}
std::vector< std::string > branches_exclude_ {}
int verbosity_period_ {-1}
eBranchWriteMode write_mode_ {eBranchWriteMode::kCreateNewTree}
bool is_init_ {false}
bool fill_out_tree_ {false}
bool is_update_entry_in_exec_ {true}
bool read_in_tree_ {false}
bool is_owns_tasks_ {true}
bool is_write_hash_info_ {true}

Static Protected Attributes

static TaskManagermanager_ = nullptr

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddBranch()

template<class BranchPtr>
void AnalysisTree::TaskManager::AddBranch ( BranchPtr *& ptr,
const BranchConfig & config )

Adding a new branch

namename of the branch
ptrreference to a pointer to the branch object. Pointer should be initialized with nullprt, function will allocate the space, but used still needs delete it in the end of the program

◆ AddMatching()

void AnalysisTree::TaskManager::AddMatching ( const std::string & br1,
const std::string & br2,
Matching *& match )

Adding a new Matching branch

br1name of the first branch
br2name of the second branch
matchreference to a pointer to the Matching object. Pointer shoulb be initialized with nullprt, function will allocate the space, but used still needs delete it in the end of the program

◆ GetInstance()

TaskManager * AnalysisTree::TaskManager::GetInstance ( )

This is a safer way to create an instance. instance = new Singleton is dangerous in case two instance threads wants to access at the same time

◆ Init() [1/2]

void AnalysisTree::TaskManager::Init ( )

Initialization in case of only creating AnalysisTree

◆ Init() [2/2]

void AnalysisTree::TaskManager::Init ( const std::vector< std::string > & filelists,
const std::vector< std::string > & in_trees )

Initialization in case of reading AnalysisTree (or reading + creating)

filelistsvector of filelists -> text files with paths to all root files
in_treesvector ot TTree names

◆ SetOwnsTasks()

void AnalysisTree::TaskManager::SetOwnsTasks ( bool owns_flag = true)

If TaskManager owns its tasks, they will be deleted on TaskManager' destruction.


The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: