Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼ core | |
AnalysisTreeCoreLinkDef.h | |
BranchConfig.hpp | |
Configuration.hpp | |
Constants.hpp | |
Container.hpp | |
DataHeader.hpp | |
Detector.hpp | |
EventHeader.hpp | |
Hit.hpp | |
Hit.test.hpp | |
IndexedObject.hpp | |
Matching.hpp | |
Module.hpp | |
Particle.hpp | |
Track.hpp | |
▼ examples | |
AnalysisTreeUserLinkDef.h | |
UserTaskRead.hpp | |
UserTaskWrite.hpp | |
▼ infra | |
AnalysisEntry.hpp | |
AnalysisTask.hpp | |
AnalysisTreeInfraLinkDef.h | |
Branch.hpp | |
BranchChannel.hpp | |
BranchHashHelper.hpp | |
Chain.hpp | |
Chain.test.hpp | |
ChainDrawHelper.hpp | |
Cuts.hpp | |
Field.hpp | |
HelperFunctions.hpp | |
PlainTreeFiller.hpp | |
SimpleCut.hpp | |
Task.hpp | |
TaskManager.hpp | |
ToyMC.hpp | |
Utils.hpp | |
Variable.hpp | |
VariantMagic.hpp | |