No Matches
Getting started with AnalysisTree


This is an example for version 1. All files under following link are also generated with version 1. At the moment latest version is version 2, examples with more advanced ways to use AnalysisTree are under preparation

Input files

Filelists of reco files (copy of CBMROOT reco):


Ana files (with centrality and PID information):


Runnig example

./example filelist_rec filelist_ana

where, for example:


Adding new information

All available information is printed at the beginning, for example:

Branch VtxTracks (id=1) consists of:
  floating fields:
    chi2 (id=0)
    dcax (id=2)
    dcay (id=3)
    dcaz (id=4)
    eta (id=-3)
    p (id=-7)
    pT (id=-2)
    phi (id=-1)
    px (id=-4)
    py (id=-5)
    pz (id=-6)
    vtx_chi2 (id=1)
 integer fields:
   ndf (id=0)
   nhits (id=2)
   nhits_mvd (id=3)
   q (id=1)
 boolean fields: 

Each field can be accessed with:


In example.cpp this is illustrated with "dcax" field of "VtxTracks" branch:

const float dcax = track.GetField<float>(dcax_id);

Fields with negative id are also accessible with simple getters, i. e. GetPx(), GetPhi(), ...